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Speaking Topics and Series

Speaking Topics

  • End Times

  • Prophecy

  • ​No Regrets Series

  • Legacy; Build it, Live it, Leave it

  • The Gifts of the Spirit

  • The Promises of God

  • ​Finding Your Destiny

  • Freedom In Christ​

  • ​Breaking Strongholds

  • Spiritual Warfare

  • Healing and Deliverance​

  • Antisemitism and the Dangers of Replacment Theology

  • Women and their role in the Kingdom of God

The Tribulation

When it begins, will you be here? Learn Biblical facts about the seven year period during which the Antichrist will be in charge. It will be a time of great distress, but will culminate with the greatest event in History. Jesus returns and sets up His earthly Kingdom.

The Mark

What are you planning to leave behind you when your time here is finished? Strange question? Well, not really.


We all leave a mark. We all will be an influence, those around us, those we love, and those we come in contact with. We only get one shot to get it right. Live a life of significance and make it count.

Stand Firm

As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately and said, "Tell us, When will this happen and what will be the sign, of your coming, and of the end of the age?


Jesus answered, Watch out that no one deceived.  For many will come in my name claiming I am the Messiah and will deceive many. You will hear of wars, and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen but the end is still to come.


The Chosen

Have you ever felt like God blesses everyone around you but for some reason you fail to experience those blessings.  Chosen is a look into why we struggle with unbelief and how that affects our mission, our goals, our ambitions and even how we see ourselves. The father of the demonized boy cried out in Mark 9:

   "I believe, but help me in my      unbelief."


The answer, a paradox of faith and doubt, lay hidden within the depths of God's infinite love.

Discovering Your Desiny

  • Esther, a story of Power and Purpose and Possibilities. ​

  • The book of Esther reveals a profound narrative of divine positioning and personal courage that illuminates how individuals can discover and walk in their God-given purpose. Esther's story demonstrates that destiny emerges when one is willing to take bold, sacrificial steps in alignment with a higher calling

  • Her journey illustrates that purpose is not just about personal advancement, but about using one's position and influence to protect and serve others​​​

Daniel's Seventh Week Series

One World Leader, One World Government, One World Economy, One World Religion- It's all there,  written centuries before the birth of Jesus. Lets explore the depths of the prophetic world of Daniel

Revelation Series:
Apocalypse Unveiled: The Final Chapter"

Five Powerful Key Takeaways:


  1. Divine Sovereignty: There's a spiritual dimension behind every aspect of life, and God is sovereignly guiding it all for His glory. This understanding provides comfort and purpose in the face of seemingly chaotic world events.

  2. Triumph Through Sacrifice: Ultimate blessing for the believer comes through apparent defeat. Just as the Lamb conquered by being slain, true victory often requires selflessness and sacrifice​

  3. Universal Redemption: God's plan of salvation is not limited to a select few but extends to people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. This emphasizes the inclusive nature of divine love and the importance of global unity.​

  4. Spiritual Warfare: The most crucial battles are fought not with physical weapons, but with truth, faith, and love. Resisting the world's corrupt systems (symbolized as "Babylon") requires spiritual fortitude and unwavering commitment to divine principles.

  5. Hope in Renewal: The apocalypse, while fearsome, ultimately leads to the creation of a new heaven and earth. This promise of renewal and restoration offers hope even in the darkest times, encouraging perseverance and faith.


The Perfect Storm

In everyone’s life there is a perfect storm; a moment when all circumstances are right to shipwreck your faith, to tear your life apart and to bring you to nothing. Do you know that sometimes life can weigh us down and the issues of life get too much for us to bear?      

We become despondent in our pain, despair sets in and we let the burdens of our life take center stage. What now?  Find out how to find purpose in your pain, enter into the recovery mode and find victory after your perfect storm.

Jonah; Nowhere to Run

When you do not know where to turn or what you are called to do, there is a place, which will give you the answer and a man who modeled for us, this journey into finding our future in God.

Wise in Heart

 There will come in everyone's life a point of decision, a crossroads, a junction when your decisions will take you down the right path, or take you down the wrong path.


It is at that point of decision when all in life will hang in the balance. Will you make the right choices and go in the right direction or will you be led in the wrong direction?


Join me as we share 10 keys to discern the appropriate time and response and become Wise in Heart.

The Harvest Series

Hidden within the Jewish feasts is a roadmap into the prophetic, from the time of Christ, until the last trumpet is blown and Jesus returns to set up His millennial reign here on earth. Take a deep dive into the secrets of Christ's birth, His death, His resurrection and His return.

The Power of Love-No Regrets Series

Love conquerors. Love covers. Love endures. Love builds. Love encourages.

Love honors. Love suffers. Love believes. It is as strong as death. It is the

most powerful force we have in our arsenal for the Lord. Are you walking in biblical love? Come along, listen  and take our thirty day love challenge. Watch your life and walk begin to change, grow, and mature in Christ.

The Power of Faith-No Regrets Series

Here are 3 powerful lessons about how to grow in faith and 7 keys to intentional biblical living as you walk it out.

  • Faith is the fuel for our miracle

and our miracle may only be as

big as our faith.


  • Faith that is never exercised

is lost opportunity to experience the miraculous


  • Faith is built on an unwavering expectation that flows from a childlike heart:

      it doesn't have to see,  

 because it has already believed.

The Power of Faith-No Regrets Series

  • Have you ever felt you were not clean enough to come to God?

  • Have you ever felt like you were far away from Him?

  • Like you were too far away for Him to hear you?


This powerful message explores faith through the biblical story of Jesus healing ten lepers, emphasizing that faith is the fuel for miracles and can transform seemingly hopeless situations.


The narrative highlights how calling out to Jesus with genuine desperation, acknowledging Him as Master, and acting in obedience can lead to miraculous healing and restoration. The core message encourages believers to grow their faith by hearing God's word, speaking truth, and walking confidently in God's promises.



Abundant Rain-No Regrets Series

Your environment

will influence your decisions, your discoveries and your destiny.

 In the right atmosphere you will see what God sees.

What brings on a spiritual drought?

What can you expect in the midst of a spiritual drought?

 In the wrong atmosphere you will see what your enemy permits you to see.

Listen now as we give an action plan:

7 Keys to turning your season of drought  into a season of abundance-


Create the right atmosphere & your miracles will emerge.

The Power of Joy-No Regrets Series

The message discusses the power of joy from a Christian spiritual perspective, focusing on understanding and experiencing joy beyond mere happiness. The key insights include: Core Definition of Joy

  • Joy is not happiness, which depends on circumstances

  • Joy is a spiritual fruit rooted in the Holy Spirit

  • Joy is a stable, underlying feeling of well-being from a "heavenly perspective"

In His Name-No Regrets Series

Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus." Acts 4:30


The power to act

The power to go

The power to teach



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