No Regrets
If you were to die today, have you really lived?
After facing the possibility of death, Robin Bertram took inventory of her life, and realized she was given a second chance: a chance to choose joy and to live life with no regrets.
In No Regrets Robin provides you with insight, encouragement and guidance to live a life that is impactful; to love deeply, to live passionately, and to leave a legacy.
You will be encouraged to:
Live each day like it's your last
Live intentionally with a Biblical worldview
Cultivate an awareness of everyday blessings
Develop a pay-it-forward mentality
Participate in a 31-day Love Challenge

Hidden Treasures
​Many people are facing life-threatening diseases, terminal illnesses, and the long-term care of elderly parents, but have few resources to rely on in these difficult times. They often keep their challenges private only to suffer in silence with no real support system. This book delivers practical solutions to the problems everyone must deal with when they are experiencing the degradation of the quality of their life or the potential loss of a loved one.
Based on experiences derived from 25 years of prayer ministry, Bertram’s Hidden Treasures provides insight and guidance to equip patients, family members, and friends to walk through these challenging times with foresight, looking for and expecting to see God at work in many miraculous ways. It offers sound advice grounded in the truths found in Scripture and the wisdom revealed through real-life stories and case studies.
This book helps those who have ever wondered . . .
If God is good, why are we going through this?
What will our family do during this crisis?
How do we fight the fear that is trying to consume us?
How can we encourage reconciliation in our family?
Where can we find peace in the journey?
What happens when we die?
Is there life after death?
What is heaven like?

Shadows Among Us
Regardless of modern perspective, there are absolutes. Nothing challenges the intellectual mindset more thanthe view that there is, beyond all reasoning, a pragmatic, unwavering perspective of seeing things in black and white, with no gray area. The belief in absolute truth stirs zealous opposition. Shadows Among Us reminds us that there are spiritual truths and, as we embrace them, we become radically transformed.
Are you overwhelmed with fear?
What about anxious or distressing thoughts?
Has depression or low self-esteem plagued your life?
Do you suffer from temptation and compulsive behaviors?
What if someone could give you real answers to these real problems, would you be interested? Shadows Among Us does just that. Travel down the ancient paths of spiritual truths for your answers as you read this intriguing and inspiring message of hope and healing. Shadows Among Us takes the reader through foundational principles of healing of the body, soul, and spirit. Based solidly on the Word of God, it is theologically sound but certainly entertaining. Venture through the precepts that can change your outlook forever. You will be enlightened and informed as this dynamic book looks at spiritual truths reflected in the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, as He healed the brokenhearted, released the captives, and radically transformed all who would believe.