The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalms 34:18).
“My Father and my mother has forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in” (Psalms 27:10).
Rejection is a painful, devastating experience. It can set your feet on a self-destructive course
that only you, with the help of the Lord, can change. Are you suffering from feelings of
unworthiness, self-hatred, or depression? Is your heart broken? Is your spirit crushed?
Rejection destroys self-image. It cuts away at your confidence, as well as your hope. Rejection
is often set in motion in childhood.
Rejection often starts at a very early age, and sometimes is simply passed down from one
generation to another. Rejection is a form of disapproval. It can also involve the act of doing
away with or setting aside. Rejection is to make void, to nullify. It is to despise, annul, or bring
to nothing. Great pain is associated with rejection when it occurs at the hand of a parent or
someone you love or value. When experienced, it frequently results in sexual sin. Satan
attempts to mimic love; in him there is no love. He is the very opposite of love, therefore he
tempts the rejected by offering a false love, fulfilled in the form of fornication, pornography,
adultery, or any other types of sex-for-self.
Rejection also opens the door to self-rejection, despair, self-hatred, self-destruction; examples of such consequences include cutting, bulimia, anorexia, self-mutilation, or addictions. It is a means of escape by the use of alcohol, drugs, sex, and other excessive behaviors. Rejection leads to withdrawal by fantasy, pretension, unrealistic dreams, or denial. It leaves its victim in a state of insecurity, inferiority, self-pity, loneliness, timidity, or ineptness. Eventually these things will bring on gloom, heavy burdens,
despondency, defeatism, and withdrawal from reality. Rejection can also be a core issue in
many mental illnesses. One may reject God and break faith with Him through rejecting His
commands, and thereby nullify the very thing that can bring healing, the counsel of God.
1. Parental Abandonment: physically or mentally absent
2. Child Abuse: sexual, verbal, or mental
3. Adoption
4. Cast away as a child
5. Divorce
6. Disapproval
7. Favoritism
8. Excessive punishment
9. Death
10. Discounted emotions or feelings
11. Rape
12. False perception
There is a way out!
Determine in your mind to believe that just because you have been rejected by man,
you are not rejected by God. Determine in your heart, that you do not have to hate or
reject yourself because others reject you. Determine that your self- worth is base on the
written Word of God not man’s opinion, and begin to see yourself as God see’s you,…
the apple of His eye, a royal priesthood,… His chosen… His treasure…His child.
Prayer for deliverance:
1. Pray to God for help.
2. Admit rejection and acknowledge the pain of it.
3. Decide to reject rejection by standing on the truth that you are loved and accepted
by God.
4. Claim God’s acceptance and unconditional love (Isaiah 54:10).
5. Choose to forgive those who have rejected you and voice that decision(Colossians
6. Thank God for your freedom from rejection!
Now, Read the Word of God, and as you do, your mind will be renewed and your soul
restored! (Romans 12:2).