Meet Robin
Speaker, Author, Bible Teacher and Former Host of the Nationally Syndicated Television Program, Freedom Today.
Robin Bertram is a distinguished Christian speaker, author, ordained minister, and Bible teacher with a passion for sharing the transformative power of God's Word. With over 30 years of ministry experience, Robin has captivated audiences nationwide through her national television appearances. Her profound insights and practical teachings have also been featured in prominent international magazines, making her a respected voice in Christian circles. Robin's latest book, "No Regrets" has received acclaim for its powerful message of healing and redemption. Her dedication to teaching and her dynamic approach to ministry continue to inspire and uplift countless individuals worldwide.

With over 30 years of experience as a media professional, I am dedicated to sharing the transformative power of the Bible at meetings, conferences, retreats, and seminars. My mission is to inspire, equip, and empower individuals to discover their true potential and live a purposeful Christian life.
- Robin
I am committed to ministering to individuals, in churches, conferences, and at retreats.
I want to partner with you for the expansion of the
Kingdom of God.
Anointed and Inspirational Speaking Events
Transformative Conferences
Empowerment Seminars and retreats
"No Regrets" Seminars
Freedom Sessions and Seminars

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