Ps 97:11
We often hear of seeds sown as representative of a financial offering, but did you know that light has been sown “like seed” for the righteous. Oh my goodness. Does this make your heart rejoice? It does mine. I am constantly amazed day‐by‐day at the goodness of God. Light sown “like seed” tells me, that there is already planted a glimmer of direction and guidance that will come into being at just the right time. When the time comes, that which has been sown will come forth and the very light that I need to see, will be awaiting me. I do not know about you, but I am constantly seeking God for direction. I need Him, and I can say with certainty, that you need Him too. We all need to know where to walk, and we need to see where we are going and which path to walk on.
One afternoon, years ago, I was taking a suburban full of children to the zoo. We were all excited to spend the day having fun. I had stopped to fill my vehicle up with gasoline, and I was directed by the Holy Spirit to pray over that vehicle. Now you must hear me. It wasn’t your typical “pray before you travel” prayer. I felt a sense of real urgency. I was overwhelmed with a sense of warfare prayer. I knew in my spirit, that this was direction from the Lord. We traveled from SE Georgia to Jacksonville, spent the day, and was on our way back home, when a Mac truck pulled out in front of me. Just a short distance away, another vehicle was practically at a stop on the interstate in front of me. I had no place to go. Now I do not know if you are a believer in supernatural intervention, but I want you to know, God spared me and a whole SUV filled with children. I will never forget that moment. It was though the hand of God opened a path just wide enough for me to pass safely through. Our lives were spared that day. I am so very thankful for the light that had “been sown” for me. Light shown, that showed me I needed urgent prayer. Light shown, that showed me, there was danger ahead. Light shown, that
showed a narrow path of escape. Hallelujah for light, which has been sown like seed for the righteous. Our God is a great and mighty God. He reigns, and he deserves all of our love, our adoration, and our devotion.